Museum Storage Facility and FOREST OF SCULPTURES

8 Pulka iela, Riga, LV-1007, Latvia
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Forest of Sculptures Forest of Sculptures Museum Storage Facility and FOREST OF SCULPTURES

Forest of Sculptures

Antique and Renaissance Plaster Cast Exhibition.
Mythopoetic figures Mythopoetic figures Museum Storage Facility and FOREST OF SCULPTURES

Mythopoetic figures

The exhibition of seven granite sculptures introduces the artwork of the 2nd half of the 20th century, created by the sculptors Laimons Blumbergs, Ojārs Feldbergs, Lilija Līce, Ojārs Siliņš, Juris Zihmanis, and Zenta Zvāra.
In the Exhibition In the Exhibition
Grade 1–12
Museum Storage Facility and FOREST OF SCULPTURES

Interactive Guided Tour:
In the Exhibition

The guided tour in the exhibition offers an insight into the formation of the Latvian National Art Museum's Collection of Casts, getting to know more deeply sculptures of ancient Greece, ancient Rome and Italian Renaissance and the specific periods of art.
Lectures, classes or sketching in the exhibition Lectures, classes or sketching in the exhibition Museum Storage Facility and FOREST OF SCULPTURES

Lectures, classes or sketching in the exhibition

We invite you to hold lectures, excursions or sketching classes for school teachers and university professors in the Antique and Renaissance Plaster Cast Exhibition, taking into account the internal rules and the maximum number of people in the exhibition.
Virtual tour via mobile device Virtual tour via mobile device Museum Storage Facility and FOREST OF SCULPTURES

Virtual tour via mobile device

Visitors of the Antique and Renaissance Plaster Cast Exhibition FOREST OF SCULPTURES are invited to use personal mobile devices.
The Small Forest of Sculptures The Small Forest of Sculptures
Grade 1–6
Museum Storage Facility and FOREST OF SCULPTURES

Interactive Activity:
The Small Forest of Sculptures

This activity for children of elementary and primary school age combines an educational tour in the exhibition with a creative activity to introduce the history of culture and art through the works presented in the permanent exhibition of casts of classical and Renaissance sculpture.

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